Kill your sweet-tooth cravings while providing energy for hours of hard work with this snack from the UFC FIT system. Try it in place of dessert.
1 banana
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt or almond milk
2 Tbsp. carob nibs
1/4 cup almond butter
1 cup ice
1 Tbsp. ground flaxseed
2 Tbsp. water
Blend together and enjoy!
(Gluten-free, vegan) Serves 1-2.
The good stuff
See why just one glass does so much for your body
The simple carbohydrates in a banana are fast acting and can be used as an immediate source of energy or to replenish lost glycogen following a workout. Glycogen is the main storage form of glucose.
Strawberries contain antioxidants, which protect cells from free-radical damage caused by aging, stress, poor diet and our environment. Antioxidants are most prevalent in naturally colorful fruits and vegetables, especially those with purple, blue, red, orange and yellow hues.
Almond milk is lactose- and cholesterol-free, low in carbohydrates and packed with vitamins and essential nutrients including magnesium, potassium and Vitamin E. It also is low in sugar and contains zero saturated fats.
Complete proteins like those found in yogurt contain all nine essential amino acids that our body is unable to produce. Therefore, we must find them in food.
Essential fats, like those found in flaxseed, are necessary because our body does not create them. They play a crucial role in brain function and reducing inflammation. They also increase the health of skin and hair and regulate the metabolism.
Get more recipes and a full 12-week fitness plan at UFC FIT.