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Tweets of the Week - 7/19

A look at the best tweets from the world of UFC. Follow @ufc, the list of official UFC accounts, and the list of UFC fighters to keep up with these guys and gals. 

Happy Birthday, Champ! Go Easy on the Cake.
It's Friday!!  -Jon Bones Jones

And Good Morning to You Too, Jason
 “….i shall annihilate thee…”  -Jason Highwalker ‏

Masters of Psychological Warfare
Hmm..  -Jake Ellenberger ‏

Bunny ears at K-1 MAX.  -Duane Ludwig ‏

Not Weird to Envy the Beard
Don't worry, that's common! RT @wrestlinpanda: Every time I'm around @thejameshead his beard makes me question my masculinity.  -James Head ‏

More Brutal: Yves’ Fights or Movie Reviews
This movie #RIPD is not about the Rhode Island PD. Can you think of other appropriate names for it. I've got one #BombSquad cause it will.  -Yves Edwards ‏

That’s… uh… wow.
There's a lot of dysfunction in this picture, and I enjoy all of it.  -Daron Cruickshank ‏

Ronda Tweets about Zimmerman… Robert Zimmerman.
Just posted a photo  -Ronda Rousey

Damn you, Injury Bug!
Need I say more...?  -Quinn Mulhern ‏

Torn cartilage in my ribs.  -Clint Hester ‏

Annoying pet owner that forces pictures of his dog onto any/everyone. Yup, that's me...Get over it. #Benny  -Joseph Benavidez ‏

Did You Get a Blue Headband with the Belt?
All the hours of hard work, the double days, and personals wt coach @duanebangcom has paid off!…  -Danny Castillo

Outlaw Wisdom
Some of you are taking this way too seriously!  -Dan Hardy ‏

Pretty Sure That’s NOT an Official Bout Agreement
 Here you go @roynelsonmma , u get the idea. @danawhite Ur job is done congrats on the new deal Roy DC  -Daniel Cormier

@dc_mma signed & waiting Good thing U didnt show the $$$$$$$$$$$ to kick your butt So we R both nephews 2 @danawhite  -Roy Nelson ‏

@roynelsonmma @danawhite nice roy! Uncle Dana it's done haha  -Daniel Cormier

Why You Don’t Mess with Kedzie
You are a bitch face poop RT @IKEVF: @MmaSentinel @julesk_fighter she is lame!  -Julie Kedzie

New Rule of Fight Club: It’s Not Book Club
Is it ok to say I'm reading an audiobook? Or should I say I'm listening to [ x ] book. What the socially correct answer here?! -James Krause ‏

@TheJamesKrause books are dumb stop that! Go get punched in the head -Isaac Vallie-Flagg

He’s Kidding, Guys! Well... We’re Pretty Sure.
I said I would give a prize away at 30k followers... 1st person to send me their address will get a @Ranger_Up shirt & autographed picture.

You all just gave a Green Beret, Ranger, Special Forcers Sniper, and UFC fighter your address. #DeathWish #Badidea   -Tim Kennedy