Josh Parisian continues his first-person account of participating in the 28th season of TUF
This week’s episode showed the final guys’ fight, as well as the coaches’ challenge.
Unfortunately, Team Gastelum lost both.
Apparently, the coaches’ challenges are picked long before the coaches are even chosen, but before we showed up to the track, I was sure we had the challenge in the bag, since Whittaker’s hand was still injured. So, he ended up being pretty lucky that the challenge didn’t require him to use his hand at all.
Even though we didn’t win the challenge, it was still a lot of fun supporting Kelvin, running alongside him and being a good supportive team. It really showed the difference in the bond we had with our team versus what they had with theirs.
In the fight, Maurice was respecting Juan’s wrestling almost too much and got caught with a big overhand. He spent a lot of time trying to recover, but the punch kept him disoriented until Juan finished the fight.