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TUF 18 Finalist Blog: Julianna Pena

TUF 18 blog with Julianna Pena, episode 13: 'A dream come true'
By Shaun Al-Shatti, MMA Fighting

"Now that the final episode has come and gone, I thank all of you for joining Julianna Pena and I for this historic season of The Ultimate Fighter. A few bumps in the road may have slowed things down at times, but hopefully you had some fun along the way. So with that said, for the final time, let's hear from our finalist.

"Al-Shatti: Real quick to start, on a conference call earlier this week I heard you say something about how Ronda Rousey messed with your food. Wait, what now?

"Pena: Well I didn't mean her, I meant Marina (Shafir), but I mean, there's no difference if you ask me. They were all in the kitchen and I didn't want to be around them, so I stepped outside as I put my chicken on bake in the oven. Then when I came back it was on high broil. The whole thing was smoking up. Basically they were just trying to ruin my food, but I caught it in time. It was just annoying."

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