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Steal Jonny 'Bones' Jones' Stamina

Superstar Jon Jones owes his butt-kicking exericse regimen to strength and conditioning coach Kelly Tekin.

We asked her to devise a routine that the average guy can do to get at least a taste of Jones’ explosive energy and stamina. Check with your doctor of course and use common sense when starting any workout regimen. But if you think you've got whta it takes, here's your your three-day-a-week plan for incredible energy.


Perform this three-day/wee routine for a total of four weeks. Give yourself a full two-day rest between each workout—for example, do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

To boost your stamina, you’ll only rest only 30 seconds between every set. The exception comes when you’re doing any of the supersets. During the supersets, run through each exercise one after another with no rest in between, resting for 30 seconds only once you’ve complete each exercise one time.


1. Legs superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Dumbbell Jump Squat (10 reps)

•    Walking Dumbbell Lunge (walk 25 yards)

•    Dumbbell Jump Squat (10 reps)

2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row (4 sets/8 reps each arm)

3. Back superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    V-grip Lat Pulldown (15 reps)

•    Lat Pressdowns using a stretch cord (fast for 40 reps)

4. Biceps superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Stretch cord Biceps Curl (fast for 50 reps)

•    Two-Arm Dumbbell Hammer Curl (fast for 25 reps)

5. Treadmill sprints (Jog normally for 30 seconds, then sprint for 30 seconds as fast as you can. Repeat 12 times—for a total of 12 minutes.)


1. Legs superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Lying Leg Curl Machine (8 reps)

•    Lying Hamstring Curl (heels on AB Ball, curl feet towards butt for 30 reps)

2. Flat Barbell Bench Press (4 sets/reps for each set: 12-10-8-6)

3. Chest superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (15 reps)

•    Flat Dumbbell Chest Press (15 reps)

4. Chest superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Standing Band Flye (fast for 40 reps)

•    Medicine Ball Drill (Lie flat holding medicine ball by your chest, then quickly throw the ball straight up in the air and catch it (10 reps) 

5. Triceps superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Flat Bench Skull Crusher with small bar (12 reps)

•    Stretch cord Triceps Pressdowns (fast for 50 reps)

6. Walk-abouts (3 sets/10 reps)

[Get in a push-up position with one hand on a medicine ball. Quickly push up so you leave the ground and switch hands. Do a push-up and repeat the drill, so you’re moving from side to side of the ball.]

7. Treadmill running (Run for one minute with the incline set at between 8-10%, then run for one minute with the incline set at zero. Repeat 6 times—for a total of 12 minutes.)


1. Bulgarian Squat (4 sets/12 reps each leg)

2. Leg Extension (1 set/8 reps each drop)

[Set the machine at a weight you can do for 8 reps, then immediately lower the weight and do another 8 reps. Keep lowering the weight and repeat the exercise a total of 10-16 times.]

3. Legs superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Leg Press (20 reps)

•    Dumbbell Split Squat Jump (15 reps each leg/30 reps total)

4. Shoulder superset (run the cycle three times for a total of three supersets)

•    Incline Front Dumbbell Raise (30 reps)

•    Incline Lateral Dumbbell Raise (30 reps)

•    Incline Rear Dumbbell Raise (30 reps)

5. Shoulder Press Machine (4 sets/8 reps)

6. Climb stairs w/weight vest (add 30% of your body weight and step for 12 minutes)