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Another Side of Dana White

Another Side of Dana White
By Ron Kantowski , Las Vegas Review-Journal

Often when you see Dana White, he’s standing on a dais at a news conference between two mean-looking dudes with his arms outstretched, as if he’s trying to keep them from doing mean things to each other.

There’s usually a big smile on the UFC president’s face when mean-looking dudes square off. The UFC generates a lot of money from pay-per-view telecasts and whatnot, and my sense of it is that some of it eventually winds up in his pocket.

I saw another side of Dana White the other night.

He still had a smile on his face, but it was one of those tight smiles, the kind a father has while watching his son play football against bigger kids. Which is exactly what White was doing at the All-American Park on South Buffalo Drive.

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