Last fight

Wins by Knockout
Wins by Submission
First Round Finishes
UFC Fight Night (11/9/24) Abdul-Malik stopped Duško Todorović via strikes at 2:44 of the first round
Dana White's Contender Series, Season 8
Episode one (8/13/24) Abdul-Malik stopped Wes Schultz via strikes at 3:55 of the second round
Biggest difference in training for this fight? No difference; just a different location for competition
When and why did you start training for fighting? Six years old, because I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle
What has been your toughest fight to date and why? The man in the mirror, because I fight him every day with no breaks
Who is your favorite fighter and why? Rory MacDonald, because of the way he expresses himself outside of fighting versus inside the cage
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? University of Maryland