Last fight
Stats & Records
Wins by Knockout
Wins by Submission
First Round Finishes
Striking accuracy
- Sig. Strikes Landed
- 80
- Sig. Strikes Attempted
- 116
Takedown Accuracy
- Takedowns Landed
- Takedowns Attempted
- 2
- Sig. Str. Defense is the percentage of significant strikes attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Takedown defense is the percentage of takedowns attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Knockdown Avg. is the average number of knockdowns per 15 Minutes window.
Sig. Str. by target
athlete record
- Pro since 2016
- Eight wins by KO, one by submission (RNC)
- Four first-round finishes
- Has won six of her last seven
- Lost 2019 fight to UFC vet Ariane Carnelossi
- Defeated DWCS alum Gisele Moreira in 2021
- Origin of nickname – “At a weigh-in, the guy bothered me and I was rude to him and the nickname came up ever since.”
UFC on ESPN (4/27/24) Souza won a three round unanimous decision over Marnic Mann
UFC on ESPN (6/3/23) Silva was submitted by Karine Silva via kneebar at 1:45 of the first round
When and why did you start training for fighting? I started training for the sport when I was 17.
What professional titles have you held? Five titles: Mr. Cage Championship, SFT, Star Combate, Rei Da Selva and Invicta FC
Any achievements in amateur combat sports? 2014 World Wrestling Championship
What was your toughest fight so far and why? My toughest fight was against Gisele Moreira in the 61kg category. I move up two categories for a fight. Good ground fighter and it was a very balanced fight.
Who is your favorite fighter and why? Conor is my favorite fighter because of the championship mindset he has.
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? Yes, four periods of physical education
What was your job before you started fighting? Worked in a food hall
Personal life/background: I like to sing, sleep, read and eat, and I have a beautiful dog.