Last fight
Stats & Records
Wins by Knockout
Wins by Submission
First Round Finishes
Striking accuracy
- Sig. Strikes Landed
- 58
- Sig. Strikes Attempted
- 135
Takedown Accuracy
- Takedowns Landed
- 2
- Takedowns Attempted
- 10
- Sig. Str. Defense is the percentage of significant strikes attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Takedown defense is the percentage of takedowns attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Knockdown Avg. is the average number of knockdowns per 15 Minutes window.
Sig. Str. by target
athlete record
- Pro since 2021
- Three wins by KO, two by submission (2 RNC)
- Two first-round finishes
- Reported 5-0 amateur record
UFC on ESPN (7/1/23) Petrovic lost a three round unanimous decision to Luana Carolina
When and why did you start training for fighting? Since I was a little girl, I wanted to train martial arts. First, I started my fighting career in kickboxing when I was 17 years old; that’s where my fighting journey began.
What ranks and titles have you held? 125-pound Champion of ARES Fighting Championship.
What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? It means I can finally do fighting for a living.
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? I was studying Sport and health at the University, but I quit in the second year.
What was your job before you started fighting? I had a few jobs I was working as a swimming instructor, Water aerobics instructor and a lifeguard. I also worked with a girl who had Down’s syndrome so she can do some activities with me. I worked in kindergarten, and I worked in a factory where we made pancakes and waffles.
Specific accomplishments in amateur competition? I was junior K-1 Balkan champion, and one time K-1, Full contact and Low kick junior champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 125-pound and 135-pound amateur champion of Cage Warriors academy.
Ranks in any martial arts styles: Purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Favorite Striking technique: I love them all